A prayer for today

To wake from sleep into this day
is gift enough for thanks.
To hear a child’s delight in laughter
is gift enough for thanks.
To sip a glass of clean, cold water
is gift enough for thanks.
To watch the sunset paint the sky
is gift enough for thanks.
To share a moment with a friend
is gift enough for thanks.
To smell the fragrance of moist soil
is gift enough for thanks.
To feel the comfort of clean clothing
is gift enough for thanks.
To form the words that make a prayer
is gift enough for thanks.

(Prayer by Keri K. Wehlander, Canada, first published at http://www.creativeworship.ca and in Wisdom Is Calling, Canterbury Press, UK / United Church Publishing House, Canada, 1999)

Saying Goodbye

It had to happen at some point but I was not prepared for the emotional impact it would have on me.

Today my husband and I bought a new travel trailer and officially retired the old girl, Dawn Treader. We were sitting on our swing contemplating our purchase when a wave of emotion swept over me like the waves crashing on the rocks on Lake Winnipeg.

What on earth was this all about? Crying over an ’89 Starcraft? Well…..yes.

I was overcome with emotion because I realized this trailer was one more thing that kept me close to my dad.  Every time Alan and I set up the trailer it reminded me of my dad.  In my minds’ eye I saw him setting things up and cracking his head on the pull outs for the beds and swearing as only he could.

I remember how proud he and mum were when they bought the trailer in 1990.  They had a trailer blessing party with Roland Wood presiding.  Mum gave Alan and me the trailer in 2007, the spring after Dad died.  We have enjoyed many trips with her but she is a tired unit.  Yet well loved and cared for.   However with all trailers, perhaps with any item, there comes a time when you have to evaluate if the money put in to maintaining a unit is good financial stewardship.  Dawn Treader didn’t owe us anything.

There was still the matter of what to do with a well loved unit.  As Alan and I sat on the swing contemplating our new purchase we talked over several ideas but one that kept returning was donating it to the local ALS garage sale.  Both my dad and Alan’s mom died from ALS.  After making some phone calls it was determined that we would donate it.

So….thank you Dawn Treader.  It has been fun.



It’s Monday!


In his daily post on ……In the Meantime, David Lose was talking about how he likes Monday because it is a new start.  He writes, “It’s Monday, the day everything starts over again and we get back to the routine. For some, that’s always a bit of a downer, the antithesis of TGIF. But I have to say that as much as I love my weekends, I always find Monday to be exciting because it brings a new start and new possibilities. Monday morning roles around and all of a sudden I’m ready to get something done I’d wanted to do last week, to start something new, or to make progress on a long-deferred goal.

And then I don’t.”

I understand this completely!!!  As Monday rolls around I think “I should post something on my blog.”  And then I don’t.  But, today I have, so it is one step towards something bigger.    I wonder what tomorrow will bring?